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7 Tips for User Research & Survey Questions to Reduce Bias

Famous ideo empathy map

User research is as much an art as it is a science. What people say can be heavily biased by many factors—many of which have been scientifically proven in the fields of research, cognitive psychology and behavioral science. Bias in surveys and user interviews can distort results and confuse teams— leading to misinformed critical product decisions. Below are seven practical tips to help you reduce bias and improve the quality of your user research and survey questions.

1. Use Neutral Language in Questions

Even experienced researchers can easily to fall into asking leading questions that push respondents toward a particular answer. For example, instead of asking, "How helpful did you find this feature?" you could ask, "How would you describe your experience with this feature?" Neutral wording helps reduce any preconceived notions or expectations. Any words that contain or imply subjective opinions can be heavily leading. Social desirability bias and acquiescence bias leads users to want to favorable or agreeable to the interviewer, rather than providing their true thoughts or behaviors.

2. Counteract Priming Bias

Priming bias occurs when the order of your questions influences how respondents think or feel about later questions. Randomizing the order of questions for each participant can help mitigate this bias. For example, if you’re asking about both positive and negative experiences, leading with the positive can prime respondents to answer more positively in subsequent questions. This can also happen in multiple choice questions—where the first answer primes and anchors subsequent choices. So if you show 'very satisfied' as the first answer to a customer satisfaction question—users will be led to choose more positive answers. By shuffling questions or answers, you can prevent any single question from affecting responses to subsequent ones.

3. Ask for Facts vs. Future Opinions

Asking users to predict their future behavior or preferences often leads to inaccurate answers. People are generally optimistic about the future and will answer favorably if you ask them 'Will you use this?' Think about all the new year resolutions that never get acted on! Instead, focus on gathering facts about their past behavior. For instance, instead of asking, "Would you use this feature in the future?" ask, "When was the last time you used a feature like this?" People tend to give more reliable responses when talking about actions they’ve already taken versus hypothetical scenarios.

4. Get Actions & Evidence—Not Just Answers

What people say do not necessarily correlate with what they do. This is called the 'say-do gap' in user research. When possible, design your research to include tasks or actions that involve making an explicit personal choice, showing evidence or performing an action—rather than just asking for opinions. Exercises like asking people to sort or rank features/attributes (ie card sorting) or having them draw a graph that shows their emotional highs and lows across an experience—can be much more telling and aid in getting deeper answers. You can get pretty creative with this as well. I've heard of researchers asking participants to tear out images from magazines that represent their feelings about a brand to asking them to share their shopping cart history to discuss how they compared similar products.

5. Avoid Double-Barreled Questions

Double-barreled questions ask about two things at once, which can confuse respondents and produce unreliable answers. For instance, “How satisfied are you with the interface and the customer service?” is asking about two distinct aspects of the product, which should be separated. Always ensure each question is focused on a single topic to avoid muddled responses.

6. Apply Behavioral Segmentation

Users’ experiences often vary based on their demographics, usage patterns, or familiarity with a product. By segmenting users based on their behavior (e.g., first-time vs. repeat users), you can tailor questions to capture insights that are more relevant to each group. This approach helps reduce generalizations and ensures that you gather more granular, actionable feedback.

7. Use Mixed Methods to Cross-Validate Insights

Combining both qualitative and quantitative research methods can help reduce bias and cross-validate findings. For example, surveys provide numerical data that can reveal trends, while interviews or usability testing offer deeper context behind those numbers. By using a mix of methods, you can identify patterns, confirm hypotheses, and avoid relying too heavily on any single source of information.

The art of user research is in how the product manager, researcher or customer caring professional can best apply these techniques for their particular research goals and objectives. Even so, it's often that you will never have a completely clear picture of what users are saying or behaving to predict the types of product and business enhancements that will best satisfy their needs. Hopefully —armed with these types of bias reducing insights—you can improve the odds of your insights to be closer to what people actually want.

50+ Customer Satisfaction Survey Example Questions

When you’re creating a customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey, it’s crucial to ask the right questions to get meaningful insights. Below, I’ve outlined 50 customer satisfaction survey questions across different categories, from general satisfaction to product-specific questions. These examples will not only help you measure satisfaction but also guide improvements in your product or service.

1. General Customer Satisfaction Questions

These questions provide a broad understanding of how satisfied customers are with your product, service, or overall experience. They are essential for gaining a high-level view of customer sentiment.

Question Type of Question
How satisfied are you with our product/service overall? Likert Scale (1-5)
How satisfied are you with your overall experience with our company? Likert Scale (1-5)
To what extent did we meet your expectations? Likert Scale (1-5)
How would you rate your recent experience with our support team? Likert Scale (1-5)
How would you describe the quality of our product/service? Likert Scale (1-5)

2. Net Promoter Score (NPS) Questions

Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend your product or service. It helps you identify promoters (loyal customers), passives, and detractors who may require attention.

Question Type of Question
On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague? NPS (0-10)
Why did you give us that score? Open-Ended
What could we do to improve your experience and increase your likelihood to recommend us? Open-Ended
How likely are you to recommend us based on your most recent interaction? NPS (0-10)
How likely are you to continue using our product/service? Likert Scale (1-5)

3. Customer Effort Score (CES) Questions

These questions measure how easy it is for customers to interact with your product or service. The lower the customer effort, the more likely they are to continue using your service.

Question Type of Question
How easy was it to interact with our customer service team? Likert Scale (1-5)
How easy was it to find what you were looking for on our website? Likert Scale (1-5)
How easy was it to navigate through the product/service? Likert Scale (1-5)
How easy was it to complete your purchase? Likert Scale (1-5)
How much effort did you have to put in to solve your issue? Likert Scale (1-5)

4. Post-Purchase Questions

These questions are essential for understanding the immediate satisfaction of customers after they have made a purchase. They help you identify issues with the buying process and determine how well your product meets expectations.

Question Type of Question
How satisfied are you with your recent purchase? Likert Scale (1-5)
Did our product meet your expectations? Yes/No
How would you rate the checkout process? Likert Scale (1-5)
How satisfied are you with the delivery process? Likert Scale (1-5)
Was the product/service as described? Yes/No

5. Product/Service-Specific Feedback

These questions dive deeper into specific product features or aspects of your service, helping you understand what resonates with customers and what needs improvement.

Question Type of Question
How well does [specific product feature] meet your needs? Likert Scale (1-5)
How would you rate the ease of use of [specific feature]? Likert Scale (1-5)
How useful do you find [specific product feature]? Likert Scale (1-5)
How well does [specific service] solve your problem? Likert Scale (1-5)
How satisfied are you with the quality of [specific product feature]? Likert Scale (1-5)

6. Customer Support Experience

Customer support is a crucial touchpoint for customer satisfaction. These questions allow you to measure how effective and efficient your support team is in resolving issues.

Question Type of Question
How satisfied are you with the response time of our support team? Likert Scale (1-5)
How knowledgeable was the support representative? Likert Scale (1-5)
Was your issue resolved to your satisfaction? Yes/No
How satisfied are you with the resolution provided by our support team? Likert Scale (1-5)
How easy was it to contact our support team? Likert Scale (1-5)

7. User Experience and Usability

These questions assess how intuitive and user-friendly your product or service is. They help you identify areas where customers may face challenges in navigation or ease of use.

Question Type of Question
How easy was it to navigate our website/app? Likert Scale (1-5)
How satisfied are you with the overall design of our product? Likert Scale (1-5)
How intuitive do you find the navigation within our product? Likert Scale (1-5)
How satisfied are you with the performance of our website/app? Likert Scale (1-5)
How would you rate the speed of our website/app? Likert Scale (1-5)

8. Value for Money

These questions focus on how customers perceive the value they receive from your product or service. They are critical for understanding if customers feel they are getting what they paid for.

Question Type of Question
How would you rate the value for money of our product/service? Likert Scale (1-5)
Do you feel the product/service is priced fairly? Yes/No
How likely are you to purchase from us again based on the price of the product/service? Likert Scale (1-5)
How does our pricing compare to similar products/services you’ve used? Likert Scale (1-5)
Do you believe our product/service provides good value for the price? Yes/No

9. Customer Expectations

These questions help you assess whether your product or service is meeting or exceeding customer expectations. By understanding where expectations fall short, you can make improvements to align with customer needs.

Question Type of Question
Did our product/service meet your expectations? Yes/No
How well do our product features meet your needs? Likert Scale (1-5)
How likely are you to try new products/services from our company? Likert Scale (1-5)
How satisfied are you with the variety of product/service options we offer? Likert Scale (1-5)
How would you rate the accuracy of our product/service descriptions? Likert Scale (1-5)

10. Loyalty and Retention Questions

Loyalty questions measure how likely customers are to continue using your product or service in the long run. These questions help you assess retention and understand the reasons behind continued usage or churn.

Question Type of Question
How likely are you to continue using our product/service? Likert Scale (1-5)
How likely are you to repurchase from us in the future? Likert Scale (1-5)
How likely are you to try other products/services we offer? Likert Scale (1-5)
How satisfied are you with our company overall? Likert Scale (1-5)
What is the primary reason you continue using our product/service? Open-Ended

Final Thoughts

By organizing your customer satisfaction survey using these well-structured question types, you can collect a mix of quantitative and qualitative data that drives actionable insights. Use the right types of questions for different aspects of customer experience, and always be ready to refine your survey based on the feedback you receive.

Net Promoter Survey: What's a good score and how to improve it?

As a market and user researcher, I often emphasize how vital the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is for businesses looking to measure and improve customer loyalty. NPS is more than just a number; it’s a reflection of how likely your customers are to recommend your brand to others. By understanding what a good NPS is and how to benchmark it, you can take proactive steps toward growth.

What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

The NPS is a simple yet effective customer satisfaction metric developed in 2003 by Fred Reichheld. The beauty of NPS lies in its simplicity: customers are asked, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?” Their responses categorize them as:

  • Promoters (9-10): These customers love your brand and will actively recommend it.
  • Passives (7-8): They are satisfied, but not thrilled enough to promote.
  • Detractors (0-6): These are unhappy customers who could damage your reputation.

To calculate your NPS, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. The score ranges from -100 to +100, with higher scores indicating better customer loyalty.

What Is a Good NPS Score?

Defining a “good” NPS score can be tricky, as it varies widely across industries and regions. Here's a broad interpretation:

  • +70 and above: Exceptional. Customers love your brand, and word-of-mouth is driving new business.
  • +50 to +70: Excellent, often seen in customer-centric industries like retail and SaaS.
  • +30 to +50: Good. You’re outperforming many competitors but have room to improve.
  • 0 to +30: Average. While customers are generally satisfied, many are indifferent.
  • Below 0: Concerning. You have more detractors than promoters, which could impact growth.

In terms of industry benchmarks, SaaS, Retail, and Technology sectors often lead with higher NPS scores, ranging from 60 to 80. On the other hand, industries like Telecom, Healthcare, and Financial Services tend to have more modest scores (10-40), making a score of +30 quite competitive in these fields.

Factors Affecting NPS Benchmarks

When benchmarking your NPS score, it’s essential to account for factors that could skew your comparison:

  1. Industry Norms: Different industries inherently have different NPS ranges. For instance, a score of +20 might be good for telecom, while retail and eCommerce businesses often exceed +50.
  2. Regional Variations: Cultural differences affect how customers rate businesses. For example, European customers tend to be more conservative in their ratings than U.S. customers, making cross-regional comparisons challenging.
  3. Customer Expectations: Higher customer expectations mean that even small service failures can result in lower NPS scores. Industries with frequent, high-stakes customer interactions, such as healthcare or telecom, tend to have lower NPS due to these challenges.

How to Improve Your NPS

Improving your NPS isn’t just about boosting numbers; it’s about enhancing the customer experience. Here’s how you can start:

  • Engage with Detractors: Actively seek out and address the concerns of detractors. Doing so not only improves your relationship with them but can turn them into promoters.
  • Leverage Promoters: Your promoters are your best advocates. Encourage them to share their positive experiences through referral programs or testimonials.
  • Turn Passives into Promoters: Identify what’s keeping your passives from becoming promoters. Sometimes, it’s small, fixable issues in your product or customer service that can make the difference.
  • Continuous Monitoring: NPS is not a one-time survey. Track it over time to identify trends and adjust your strategy accordingly.

The Future of NPS

While NPS remains a cornerstone of customer satisfaction metrics, the future lies in predictive analytics. As companies leverage machine learning, they can anticipate customer behavior based on NPS data, allowing for proactive adjustments to the customer experience before problems arise.

Final Thoughts

The Net Promoter Score is a valuable tool for any business aiming to measure customer loyalty and improve customer satisfaction. By benchmarking your NPS against industry averages, focusing on the qualitative feedback behind the numbers, and continually improving the customer experience, you can turn NPS into a true growth driver.

How to Ask Effective NPS Questions - On a scale of 0-10...

As an experienced market researcher, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful the Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be when used correctly. It’s more than just asking how likely someone is to recommend your product. The way you frame your NPS questions, and when you ask them, can unlock a world of insights into customer loyalty and help you grow your business.

Let’s dive into how to craft effective NPS questions and why this simple score can have such a big impact on your business.

The Core NPS Question: Keep It Simple

The fundamental NPS question is:

  • "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend [Product/Service] to a friend or colleague?"

While this question gives you a great starting point to gauge customer loyalty, the real insights come when you ask the right follow-up questions to dig deeper. NPS is not just about the score; it’s about understanding the reasons behind it.

Follow-Up Questions: Digging Deeper for Valuable Feedback

To get actionable feedback, follow the core NPS question with something like:

  • "What is the primary reason for your score?"

This question allows customers to explain their reasoning and provide specific examples of what they like or what needs improvement. For me, as a researcher, it’s the open-ended feedback that helps pinpoint exactly where the friction or satisfaction comes from.

If you want to go further, ask:

  • "How can we improve your experience?"

This prompts customers to offer suggestions for improvement, which is invaluable for making data-driven decisions that actually address customer pain points.

Customizing NPS Questions for Different Scenarios

One of the things I love about NPS is its flexibility. Depending on the stage of the customer journey, you can tailor the core question to gather more relevant insights. Here are a few examples:

For Product Feedback:

  • "Based on your experience using [Product] in the past month, how likely are you to recommend us?"

This version helps you evaluate ongoing product satisfaction and gather insights from regular users.

For Customer Service Feedback:

  • "After your recent interaction with our support team, how likely are you to recommend us?"

This helps evaluate how well your support team is performing and whether those interactions boost or diminish customer loyalty.

For B2B Businesses:

  • "How likely are you to recommend our services to other businesses?"

In B2B, it’s critical to know whether your clients are willing to refer you within their industry network.

Why NPS Scores Matter

As a researcher, I can’t stress enough how valuable NPS can be when you go beyond just collecting scores. Here’s why it’s so crucial:

  1. Simplicity Leads to Action: NPS simplifies customer sentiment into one clear score, making it easy for teams to understand where they stand with customers.
  2. Predicts Future Growth: High NPS scores tend to correlate with higher growth because Promoters (those who score 9-10) are much more likely to refer others. Referrals often mean new business with little effort on your end.
  3. Identifies Satisfaction Gaps: By dividing respondents into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors, you can immediately see where to focus your efforts. Detractors (scores 0-6) are where you can make the most improvement, while Promoters can be nurtured to amplify their advocacy.
  4. Benchmarking and Competition: NPS offers a standardized metric that can be compared across industries. Knowing how your NPS compares to competitors can give you insights into where you stand and where there’s room to grow.
  5. Continuous Improvement: NPS is not a one-time survey—it’s an ongoing feedback loop. When you track your NPS over time, you get a pulse on how your customer experience is evolving and where you need to make adjustments.

Best Practices for NPS Surveys

After working with countless businesses, I’ve seen what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to gathering effective NPS feedback. Here are a few best practices I recommend:

  1. Timing is Key: Send your survey at the right time. Post-purchase, after a customer service interaction, or after a major milestone are all great times to capture meaningful feedback. Asking at the wrong time can skew results or lead to low engagement.
  2. Keep It Short and Focused: One of the things I always advise is to keep your NPS surveys short. The core question and one or two follow-up questions are usually all you need. Anything more can overwhelm customers and reduce response rates.
  3. Segment Your Audience: Different customers will have different experiences, so segmenting your surveys based on customer types or journey stages can help you gather more precise feedback. For example, longtime customers will have different insights than new ones.
  4. Take Action: The most important part of NPS is what you do with the feedback. Detractors should be addressed quickly, to resolve their pain points, while Promoters can be rewarded for their loyalty. Showing customers that you listen to and act on their feedback strengthens trust and loyalty.


NPS is more than just a score—it’s a strategic tool that can unlock powerful insights into your customers’ experiences. By asking the right questions and following up with meaningful action, you can improve customer loyalty, drive business growth, and stay ahead of the competition.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to get a high score; it’s to understand what drives those scores and use that knowledge to continuously improve your product or service. When you approach NPS with curiosity and a genuine desire to improve, you’ll be amazed at the results.

50+ Best Customer Feedback Questions to Grow Your Business

50+ Best customer feedback questions and templates

Understanding your customers is crucial for any business striving for success. Customer feedback surveys are the most effective way to gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately enhance the overall customer experience.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the art of crafting the perfect customer feedback survey, exploring the types of questions to ask, the best practices for survey creation, and how to utilize the feedback you gather.

What is a Customer Feedback Survey?

A customer feedback survey is a structured questionnaire designed to collect insights, opinions, and experiences from customers regarding a specific product, service, or the overall brand.

The feedback gathered from these surveys is invaluable for understanding customer perceptions, preferences, and satisfaction levels, which in turn helps businesses make informed decisions and improve their offerings.

Why Customer Feedback Surveys Matter

Customer feedback surveys offer several benefits, including:

  1. Valuable Insights: They provide detailed information about customer opinions, preferences, and experiences, helping businesses understand their customers better.
  2. Product/Service Improvement: Surveys highlight areas that need improvement, enabling businesses to refine their offerings.
  3. Customer Engagement: Involving customers in the feedback process shows that their opinions are valued, fostering a stronger connection.
  4. Decision-Making Support: Feedback data supports data-driven decisions about new features, updates, or strategic directions.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Understanding customer satisfaction and preferences helps businesses stay ahead of competitors.
  6. Customer Loyalty: Engaging customers through surveys can increase loyalty by making them feel heard and appreciated.

Types of Customer Feedback Questions

Overall Satisfaction
  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with our service/product/website?
  • How satisfied are you with your overall experience with our brand?
  • How would you rate your experience with us compared to your expectations?
Ease of Use
  • How effortless was it to navigate/use our service/product/website?
  • How easy was it to find the information you were looking for?
  • How intuitive do you find our product's user interface?
Website Design
  • How visually appealing and user-friendly is our website?
  • How would you rate the layout and design of our website?
  • How easy is it to find what you are looking for on our website?
  • Did our service/product meet your expectations in terms of speed and responsiveness?
  • How reliable have you found our product/service to be?
  • How would you rate the performance of our product/service?
Features and Functionality
  • Did our service/product/website offer the needed features and functionality?
  • Which features do you find the most useful?
  • Are there any features you feel are missing or could be improved?
Customer Support
  • How satisfied are you with the level of support provided by our team?
  • How would you rate the responsiveness of our customer support?
  • How effective was our support team in resolving your issue?
Improvement Suggestions
  • Are there any specific areas where we can improve our service/product/website?
  • What changes or additions would you like to see in our product/service?
  • Do you have any suggestions for how we can improve our offerings?
Value for Money
  • Do you feel that our service/product/website provides good value for the price?
  • How would you rate the value for money of our product/service?
  • Do you believe you receive good value for the cost of our product/service?
Competitive Advantage
  • How does our service/product/website compare to similar offerings in the market?
  • What do you consider to be our unique strengths compared to competitors?
  • How do we stand out from our competitors?
Likelihood to Recommend
  • On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our service/product/website to others?
  • How likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?
  • How strongly do you agree with the statement: "I would recommend this company to others"?

Best Practices for Crafting Customer Feedback Surveys

1. Define Clear Objectives

Before creating your survey, clearly define what you aim to achieve. Whether it's improving a product, enhancing customer service, or understanding customer preferences, having clear objectives will guide the survey design.

2. Keep it Short and Simple

Long surveys can lead to respondent fatigue. Aim for brevity while ensuring you gather all necessary information. Ideally, the survey should take no more than a few minutes to complete.

3. Use a Mix of Question Types

Incorporate a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, Likert scale, open-ended, and rating scale questions. This provides a comprehensive understanding of customer feedback.

4. Simple and Clear Language

Avoid jargon and technical terms. Use simple and clear language to ensure respondents understand the questions without confusion.

5. Personalize the Survey

Personalize the survey experience by using features like skip logic and question branching. This tailors the survey to the respondent's previous answers, making it more relevant and engaging.

6. Brand Your Survey

Add your brand logo, colors, and styling to the survey to make it visually appealing and consistent with your brand identity.

7. Survey at the Right Touchpoints

Identify the right touchpoints to send surveys, such as post-transaction, after customer support interactions, or following a website visit. Timing is crucial to capture accurate and relevant feedback.

8. Offer Anonymity

Assure respondents that their feedback will be anonymous and confidential. This encourages honesty and increases response rates.

9. Provide Incentives

Offering incentives like gift cards, credits, raffles and giveaways can increase completion rates and improve customer feedback survey answers.

10. Test Before Sending

Test your survey on a small group before sending it out to all your customers. This helps identify any issues with question clarity, survey length, or technical problems.

7 Customer Feedback Questionnaire Templates & Examples

Product Experience Survey Template

Template 1: Product Experience Survey

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with [product]?
  2. Did [product] fail to meet your expectations? If so, why?
  3. Did [product] meet your expectations?
  4. Which feature of [product] did you find most valuable?
  5. Which feature of [product] did you find least valuable?
  6. What new features or upgrades would you like to see from [brand]?
  7. What are three words you’d use to describe your experience using [product]?
  8. How would you rate the consistency of how [product] works?
Customer Service Feedback Survey Template

Template 2: Customer Service Feedback Survey

  1. How would you rate the effectiveness of [brand]’s customer service?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the knowledge of [brand]’s representatives?
  3. How long did you wait for a reply from a customer service representative?
  4. How would you rate your satisfaction with your options for reaching a customer service representative?
  5. Please rank your preferred way to contact a customer service representative of the following options: call, text, email, or live chat.
  6. Did your customer service experience impact how you think of [brand]? In what ways?
  7. How could [brand]’s employees provide better service?
  8. Was [brand]’s customer service representative able to resolve your issue?
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Template

Template 3: Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [product] to a friend over a competitor?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to post positively on social media about [product]?
  3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to purchase from [brand] again?
  4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [product] to a friend based on your customer service experience?
  5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [product] to a friend based on your overall shopping experience?
  6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [product] to a family member?
  7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [product] to a coworker?
  8. In what situations are you most likely to recommend [brand]?
Customer Effort Score Survey Template

Template 4: Customer Effort Score Survey

  1. It was easy to find the information I needed to purchase on [brand]’s website.
  2. I had a pleasant in-store shopping experience.
  3. I found it easy to learn how to use [product].
  4. I found it convenient to purchase from [brand].
  5. [Brand]’s employees made it easy to resolve my issue.
  6. [Brand] provides effective and easy-to-follow instructions.
  7. [Product] is easier to use than its competitors.
  8. [Brand]’s employees understand my needs as a customer.
Website user experience survey template

Template 5: Website Experience Survey

  1. How easy is it to navigate our website?
  2. How visually appealing is our website design?
  3. How useful is the information provided on our website?
  4. How well does our website content meet your needs?
  5. How quickly does our website load?
  6. Did you encounter any technical issues while using our website?
  7. How likely are you to recommend our website to others?
  8. What improvements would you like to see on our website?

Customer Satisfaction Survey Template

Template 6: General Customer Satisfaction Survey

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our product?
  2. Did our product meet your expectations?
  3. What new features or upgrades would you like to see from [brand]?
  4. How would you rate the consistency of how our product works?
  5. What are three words you’d use to describe your experience using our product?
  6. How would you rate the overall quality of our product?
  7. How likely are you to purchase from us again?
  8. What can we do to improve your experience with our product?
Post-Purchase Survey Template

Template 7: Post-Purchase Survey

  1. Which step of the purchase process are you most satisfied with? Why?
  2. Which step of the purchase process are you least satisfied with? Why?
  3. How would you rate the overall purchase experience with our brand?
  4. Was the product delivered on time?
  5. How likely are you to purchase from us again?
  6. How satisfied are you with the product packaging?
  7. Did the product meet your expectations upon delivery?
  8. What improvements can we make to enhance your post-purchase experience?

Customer Feedback Questionnaire Best Practices

1. Offer Incentives

Incentive such as gift cards, raffle giveaways and credits can increase completion rates and higher quality customer feedback.

2. Let People Skip Questions

Allow respondents to skip questions they don’t know the answer to or are not comfortable answering.

3. Don’t Use Leading Questions

Avoid biased questions. Instead of asking, “How was our amazing customer success team today?” ask, “Did our team resolve your problem?”

4. Keep it Short and Simple

Shorter surveys generally have higher completion rates. Aim for brevity and focus on your core objectives.

5. Use Simple Language

Use conversational language and avoid jargon. Make your survey easy to understand.

6. Use Open Ended Questions

Open ended questions allow for customers to provide feedback in their own words and offer clues to deeper needs and issues.

7. Keep Questions Intentional

Ensure every survey you send has a clear goal. Know who the questions are for, what you are asking, and how you will use the information.


Customer feedback surveys are an essential tool for understanding and improving the customer experience. By asking the right questions, following best practices, and acting on the feedback you receive, you can make informed decisions that enhance your products, services, and overall customer satisfaction. Start crafting your customer feedback surveys today and unlock valuable insights that drive continuous improvement and success.

Top Customer Experience Tools for 2024

Customer Experience Tools for 2024

Exceptional customer experience (CX) is a critical differentiator that can make or break a brand in your competitive landscape. Understanding your customers' emotions and identifying touchpoints along their journey is crucial for fostering loyalty and satisfaction. This is where Customer Experience Tools come into play, providing businesses with the insights and capabilities needed to optimize every aspect of the customer journey. Let's explore the best tools available in 2024 to help your business thrive.

What are Customer Experience Tools?

Customer Experience Tools are software solutions designed to help businesses monitor, analyze, and improve their interactions with customers across various touchpoints. These tools leverage data and analytics to uncover valuable insights, enabling proactive steps to address issues and enhance the overall customer experience.

How to Choose the Best Customer Experience Tools?

When selecting the right Customer Experience Tools for your business, consider the following factors:

  • Objective Alignment: Identify your primary goals, whether it's improving customer service, gathering feedback, or enhancing engagement.
  • Survey and Feedback Options: Ensure the tool offers diverse survey types and insightful analytics.
  • Usability: Choose tools with intuitive features such as feedback management, predictive analytics, and customer self-service.
  • Integration: Look for tools that can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and provide a unified view of customer interactions.

Types of Customer Experience Tools

To simplify your search and understanding of customer experience tools, just understand these four categories that most tools fall into.

1. Web Tracking and Analytics Tools

These tools are essential for understanding how users interact with your website. By analyzing user behavior, businesses can identify key areas for improvement and enhance the on-site experience. Tools like Google Analytics and Mixpanel provide insights into user paths, conversion rates, and engagement metrics, allowing for data-driven optimizations.

2. Product Experience Insights Tools

Product Experience (PX) tools help businesses gain a deeper understanding of how customers use their products. These tools collect data on user behavior within the product, providing valuable feedback that can inform development and improve user satisfaction. Solutions like Hotjar and Productboard enable teams to visualize user interactions, gather feedback, and prioritize feature development based on actual user needs.

3. Customer Onboarding Tools

Effective onboarding is crucial for new user activation and retention. Onboarding tools guide users through the initial stages of using a product, ensuring they quickly realize its value. Tools such as Userpilot and Appcues offer personalized onboarding experiences, interactive walkthroughs, and behavior tracking to help users get the most out of a product from the start.

4. Customer Service and Support Tools

Exceptional customer service is a cornerstone of a great customer experience. Support tools facilitate efficient issue resolution and proactive customer engagement. Platforms like Intercom and Zendesk centralize customer interactions across various channels, enabling businesses to provide consistent and timely support. These tools often include features such as live chat, ticketing systems, and knowledge bases to empower customers and support teams alike.

1. Web Tracking and Analytics Tools

Analyzing user behavior on your website is the first step towards optimizing the customer experience. These tools help you understand user behavior and improve on-site experiences.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Google Analytics:
    • Behavior Flow: See a graphical representation of how users move through your website.
    • Funnel Visualization: Build custom funnels to view the user journey across multiple channels.
    • Dashboards: Create dashboards to track optimization efforts, audience demographics, and user behavior.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Analyzing and optimizing users’ conversion paths.
  • Pricing model: Free of charge.

Example use-case: During a website overhaul for an e-commerce client, Google Analytics can identify a high drop-off rate on the checkout page. By optimizing this step, you can increase conversion rates upwards to 15%.


Mixpanel Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Mixpanel:
    • Convert: See users’ paths to conversions and remove friction points.
    • Engage: Monitor in-app user behavior and re-engage based on product activity.
    • Retain: Analyze retention and identify groups likely to churn.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Identifies early signs of customer churn to fix issues before it’s too late.
  • Pricing model: Free for up to 100,000 monthly tracked users, with paid plans for advanced features.

Example use-case: Using Mixpanel, you can pinpoint where users drop off in a mobile app onboarding process, allowing you to redesign and significantly improve user retention.

Google Optimize

Google Optimize Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Google Optimize:
    • A/B Testing: Test variations of online assets.
    • Integrations: Connect with Google Analytics, Google Ads, or Firebase.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Helps improve website content based on customer interactions with different versions.
  • Pricing model: Free, with a more advanced version (Optimize 360) for enterprise-level companies.

Example use-case: Integrating Google Optimize with Hotjar, you can see not only which changes worked but why they worked, thanks to qualitative data from session recordings.


Outfunnel Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Outfunnel:
    • Real-Time Visitor Feed: See how users navigate your site in real-time.
    • Web Visit Records: Automatically record site visits.
    • Automated Lead Scoring: Score visitors based on behavior.
    • Targeted Email Campaigns: Personalized emails based on lead activity and scores.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Enables personalized experiences and email campaigns based on visitors' behavior.
  • Pricing model: No free plan, with web tracking included in the Starter plan and above.

Example use-case: Using Outfunnel to track web behavior, you can tailor email campaigns that directly addressed user interests, resulting in up to 25% increase in email engagement.

2. Product Experience Insights Tools

Product experience (PX) data helps product teams understand how users feel about your product and make informed decisions about optimizing the user and customer experience.


Hotjar customer experience tool screenshot
  • What you get with Hotjar:
    • Heatmaps: Visualize user behavior and spot UX improvement areas.
    • Recordings: Capture sessions to map user experience trends.
    • Surveys: Collect product feedback from users.
    • Feedback Widget: Interactive feedback widget for more context.
    • Funnels: Understand why users drop off and visualize conversion flows.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Helps follow and understand the customer journey within your product.
  • Pricing model: Offers a forever free plan.

Example use-case: You can use Hotjar to monitor where users scroll, click and move their mouse to improve user experience. Combining individual user behavior monitoring with analytics and feedback can help you find ways to retain and convert users effectively.


Product Board Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Productboard:
    • Centralize Feedback: Consolidate customer feedback from multiple sources.
    • Build Roadmaps: Align your team around live roadmaps.
    • Prioritize Features: Make data-backed decisions on what features to build.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Prioritizes changes to improve UX based on customer data.
  • Pricing model: Offers a 15-day free trial, with paid plans starting at $20/maker/month.

Example use-case: By centralizing feedback with Productboard, you can prioritize features that directly addressed customer pain points, leading to higher user satisfaction.


Maze Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Maze:
    • Test Ideas: Experiment and validate prototypes and concepts.
    • Targeted Reach: Send research campaigns to specific participant databases.
    • Automated Reporting: Generate reports for each test.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Validates concepts and measures customer satisfaction through user feedback.
  • Pricing model: Offers a free plan to get started, with paid plans starting at $75/month.

Example use-case: Using Maze for concept testing can help you validate new product features with real user feedback before full development, saving time and resources.

3. Customer Onboarding Tools

Onboarding is the customer’s first step into a real product experience. The way you handle it affects your customer relationships and retention rates.


Userpilot Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Userpilot:
    • Onboard: Create personalized onboarding experiences.
    • Track Product Usage: Understand user behavior trends.
    • Collect Feedback: Run in-app surveys to learn how users feel about your product.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Offers personalized interactive walkthroughs tailored to users’ interests.
  • Pricing model: Depends on the features needed and the number of monthly active users.

Example use-case: Implementing Userpilot for onboarding, you can reduce the time to first value and activation for new users—which can directly lead to higher retention and revenue.


Appcues Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Appcues:
    • Onboarding: Create interactive in-app walkthroughs.
    • Insights: Monitor onboarding effectiveness.
    • Feature Adoption: Announce new features to relevant users.
    • Surveys: Run hyper-targeted in-app surveys.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Delivers the right messages to the right users at the right time.
  • Pricing model: Depends on the number of monthly active users.

Example use-case: Using Appcues, you can increase feature adoption by upwards of 30% by targeting users who had not yet engaged with new functionalities.


Whatfix Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Whatfix:
    • Onboarding Flows: Create personalized user onboarding experiences.
    • Behavior Analytics: See how users interact with content.
    • In-App Messaging: Collect feedback with in-app widgets.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Allows users to continue their onboarding journey without needing external resources.
  • Pricing model: Custom-built packages based on business needs.

Example use-case: Deploying Whatfix for a complex enterprise software, you might be able to see upward to 50% reduction in support tickets related to onboarding.

Walnut Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Walnut:
    • Personalized Demos: Create product walkthroughs for prospects and customers.
    • Demo Engagement Insights: Track interactions to optimize demos.
  • How it improves customer experiences: Provides specific answers to customer questions and helps them achieve goals.
  • Pricing model: Available on request.

Example use-case: Walnut lets you create detailed product demos, reducing the sales cycle by upwards of 20% as prospects could better understand the product's value.


Scribe Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Scribe:
    • Customization: Edit and personalize guides.
    • Automated Guides: Generate product walkthroughs automatically.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Eliminates manual work, creating guides based on customer requests.
  • Pricing model: Basic features free, advanced features in paid plans.

Example use-case: Using Scribe, you can creat comprehensive onboarding guides that significantly reduced the time spent on customer support.

4. Customer Service and Support Tools

Even frictionless products require great customer service. Your customers should be able to get assistance whenever they need it—whether through a self-service solution, live support, or both.

Deepgram Voice AI Contact Center

  • What you get with Deepgram:
    • Voice AI: Let voice AI agents handle your customer calls
    • Call analysis: Automate analysis of customer calls for easy customer insights
    • High performing voice & transcription: Fast and accurate voice and text transcription across many languages
  • How it improves the customer experience: Provides prompt support and resolves queries quickly.
  • Pricing model: Split by goal, with customizable add-ons.

Example use-case: Deepgram contact center lets you reduce work for human customer service agents and extract valuable customer insights from call transcriptions easily


Intercom Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Intercom:
    • Convert: Manage all customer interactions in one place.
    • Engage: Use chatbots to guide users and announce new features.
    • Support: Balance live chat and chatbots for customer support.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Provides prompt support and resolves queries quickly.
  • Pricing model: Split by goal, with customizable add-ons.

Example use-case: Intercom lets you provide customer support across different time zones, keeping response times low and customer satisfaction high.


Document360 Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Document360:
    • Self-Service Portal: Empower customers with a knowledge base.
    • Integrations: Connect with existing help desk and analytics tools.
    • Migration: Handles migration from your current platform.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Enables users to find answers without waiting for support.
  • Pricing model: Forever free plan available, with paid plans for additional features.

Example use-case: Implementing Document360 can help you reduce the number of support tickets by upwards of 30%, as customers found answers in the knowledge base.


Freshdesk Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with Freshdesk:
    • Customer Conversations: Use live chat and chatbots.
    • Ticketing System: Prioritize and assign support tickets automatically.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Ensures prompt and accurate issue resolution.
  • Pricing model: Free for up to 10 agents.

Example use-case: Using Freshdesk, you can automate ticket assignment, reducing response times and improving customer satisfaction.


Working with tickets – Zendesk help
  • What you get with Zendesk:
    • Customer Conversations: Support across multiple channels.
    • Team Enablement: Unified contact center for managing responses.
    • Business Sync: Integrate customer data for personalized experiences.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Creates a unified view of customers to personalize experiences.
  • Pricing model: Starts at $49/agent/month, with a 30-day free trial.

Example use-case: Implementing Zendesk can let you create a seamless customer experience across email, chat, and social media, increasing overall satisfaction.


HubSpot Customer Experience Tool Screenshot
  • What you get with HubSpot:
    • Deeper Customer Relationships: Secure customer portal, self-serve knowledge base, omnichannel messaging.
    • Leverage Customer Insight: Integrated CRM and conversational AI.
    • Automation and Reporting: Ticketing system and analytics.
  • How it improves the customer experience: Turns user feedback into better customer experiences.
  • Pricing model: Starts at $17/month, with a free trial available.

Example use-case: Using HubSpot’s Service Hub, you can improve your ticket resolution time by upwards of 35%, leading to happier customers and a more efficient support team.

Deployment of Customer Experience Tools

Today, SaaS (Software as a Service) can be leveraged to maximize business value for organizations of all sizes. These tools are available as mobile apps, web, and desktop applications. The cloud has revolutionized software deployment, making it faster, more cost-effective, and easier to manage. Vendors offer solutions hosted on their servers, ensuring quicker access and efficient issue resolution.

Some vendors charge a one-time fee, while others offer subscription-based models. It's crucial to choose software capable of integrating with other systems to facilitate information exchange and collaboration.

How to Choose the Right CX Solution?

Follow these three steps to select the best CX software for your needs:

  1. Understand Your Business Needs:
    • Identify your business goals, customer base, and sales objectives.
    • Determine your budget and what you need to achieve your objectives.
  2. Evaluate Your Current Situation:
    • Assess your current customer service and its impact on your business.
    • Identify customer touchpoints and evaluate the experience at each point.
    • Set new customer-focused rules and measure their effectiveness.
  3. Review Software Features:
    • Ensure the solution offers better visibility of customers and enhances engagement.
    • Look for features that enable team collaboration and provide an omnichannel experience.
    • Choose solutions that maintain consistent standards and automate sales and marketing activities.
    • Evaluate the ease of deployment and cost-effectiveness.

CX Touchpoints: Why is This Important?

To transform your CX and achieve greater customer loyalty, you must use the right tools. Meeting CX objectives requires proactivity and alignment with business goals. Poor tool choices can lead to failed investments and higher operational costs.

Key Functions of Customer Experience Tools

  • Customer Data Management: Centralize and manage customer data.
  • Feedback Management: Capture customer impressions through VoC programs.
  • Complaints Management: Collect and manage customer complaints proactively.
  • E-Commerce Management: Present products seamlessly and offer a smooth customer journey.
  • Marketing Automation: Run efficient campaigns and pass quality leads to sales.
  • Social Media Management: Connect with leads and capture attention on social platforms.
  • Website Visitor Monitoring: Engage proactively with website visitors.
  • Help Desk & Support: Manage support tickets and empower customers with answers.
  • Sales Automation: Automate sales processes and empower sales reps to focus on creating and nurturing leads, closing deals, and growing customer relationships.
  • Emails for Sales People: Personalize email messages and campaigns using contextual data from lead and customer records.
  • Customer Surveys: Enable customers to provide instant feedback, helping teams make informed decisions.
  • CX Metrics & KPI: Track key metrics and performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of CX strategies.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Customer Experience with the Right Tools

You probably agree by now that delivering an exceptional customer experience is more critical than ever. The tools you choose to manage and enhance your customer interactions play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. By leveraging a comprehensive suite of Customer Experience Tools, businesses can gain invaluable insights, optimize processes, and foster deeper connections with their customers.

Web Tracking and Analytics Tools enable businesses to understand and refine user behavior on their websites, ensuring that potential customers have a smooth and engaging online experience from their very first visit.

Product Experience Insights Tools offer a detailed view of how customers interact with your product, providing the data needed to make informed decisions that enhance user satisfaction and retention.

Customer Onboarding Tools ensure that new users quickly find value in your product, reducing churn and building a solid foundation for long-term customer relationships through personalized and efficient onboarding experiences.

Customer Service and Support Tools are essential for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. By providing timely and effective support, businesses can resolve issues promptly and keep their customers happy.

Choosing the right combination of these tools requires a clear understanding of your business goals, customer needs, and the specific challenges you face. It’s also crucial to ensure these tools integrate seamlessly with your existing systems to provide a unified view of the customer journey.

Top 10 User Survey Tools to Improve Your Product & UX

top 10 user survey tools to improve your product

As a UX researcher, designer, product manager, or marketing lead—you already know conducting a successful user survey will get you the insights you need to improve your UX, conversions, customer satisfaction and product growth.

There’s just one catch: surveys, like any other form of UX research, can significantly strain resources and require proper planning and setup. You have to make sure you are asking the right questions, target the right users at the right time and be able to gather and analyze the data effectively and efficiently.

There must be an easier way. (Of course, we all know what that solution is—it’s why you clicked on this guide.)

Choosing the right UX survey tool can more than half the time and effort needed to ask, analyze, and action insights from your UX and user survey.

Here, we’ll cover everything you need to know to find and pick the best UX survey tool for your research.

Why do you need a UX survey tool?

TL;DR: you need a UX survey tool because manually orchestrating and analyzing your UX surveys is a huge drain on resources. Not to mention, properly collecting and dealing with vast amounts of data yourself can easily lead to mistakes or cognitive biases that impact the effectiveness of your research.

UX survey tools can make your job easier. By helping you cut down the time and effort spent on setting up, conducting surveys, and processing data, UX survey tools enable you to reallocate resources to more important aspects of your UX design process, and focus back on implementing the insights you gather.

The main thing is looking for an innovative tool that saves you time doing mundane work.

Not all UX survey tools are created equal. Each tool has unique features tailored to different stages of the UX survey process. This guide will help you navigate through the top 10 UX survey tools, categorized by their specific functionalities, to find the one that best suits your needs. Keep scrolling to discover the best tools that will revolutionize your UX research.

3 Types of user survey tools

Breaking it down, UX survey tools consolidate and streamline your UX research process, leaving less room for error and more room for insights. They typically offer solutions for setting up questions, collecting data, and analyzing feedback for insight extraction. S
There are 3 major types of user survey tools—Survey builders, All-in-one solutions and Embedded/on-site survey tools

Survey builders focus on helping you setup the right sets of questions with controls for multiple choices, open ended questions, likert-scales, advanced routing logic and more.

All-in-one solutions provide a comprehensive suite of tools to manage the entire UX survey process from creation to analysis, including features like AI-assisted questions, automated reporting, and participant recruitment.

Embedded/on-site survey tools are designed to gather user feedback directly within your website or app, providing real-time insights without disrupting the user experience.

I. Survey Builders

1. Typeform

typeform screenshot

Typeform stands out with its sleek and intuitive interface. It allows for easy survey building with various question types and conditional formatting. While it excels in survey creation, it lacks advanced analysis features.

Key Features:

• Stylish, user-friendly interface

• Ready-to-go templates

• Conditional question branching

Pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at £21/user per month.

2. Google Forms

Google form user survey screenshot

Google Forms is a free and straightforward tool ideal for quick surveys. It offers simple form creation, automatic feedback summaries, and easy distribution. However, it lacks advanced analysis capabilities, requiring manual data handling or integration with other tools.

Key Features:

• Simple form creation

• Automatic summaries

• Easy distribution

Pricing: Free as part of Google Workspace.

3. Jotform

Jotform user survey screenshot

Jotform is a versatile tool that allows you to create surveys, forms, and collect payments directly through your forms. It supports conditional logic, integration with various business apps, and automated workflows.

Key Features:

• Conditional logic for forms

• Payment collection

• Integration with marketing services, project management tools, and CRMs

Pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at $34/month.

II. All-in-One Solutions

4. Maze

maze screenshot

Maze is a comprehensive continuous product discovery platform that supports multiple UX research methods, including surveys, usability, and prototype testing. It offers a wide range of question formats, AI-powered follow-up questions, and automated metrics and reporting. Maze also provides templates to speed up your workflow and integrates with tools like Slack, Figma, and InVision.

Key Features:

• AI-assisted question formulation

• Automated follow-up questions

• Detailed reporting and metrics

• Participant recruitment via Maze Panel

• Extensive integrations

Pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at $99/month.

5. Qualtrics

qualtrics screenshot

Qualtrics is a robust tool offering end-to-end solutions for UX surveys. It includes features for trend identification, feedback analysis, and survey building. Despite its complexity and steeper learning curve, it provides comprehensive insights.

Key Features:

• Trend and theme analysis

• Detailed feedback analytics

• Extensive survey building options

Pricing: Custom pricing available; free trial offered.

6. UXtweak

UXtweak Software - 2024 Reviews, Pricing & Demo

UXtweak is an all-in-one user research tool that provides a whole suite of features, including a customizable survey builder. It’s easy to set up and provides detailed analytics with intuitive UI, making it a great choice even for beginners.

Key Features:

• User-friendly interface

• Comprehensive analytics

• Extensive testing features

Pricing: Free plan available; pro plans start at $70/month.

7. Alchemer

Alchemer screenshot

Formerly known as SurveyGizmo, Alchemer supports multiple languages and offers robust analytics. It’s not the easiest tool to use, particularly for beginners, but it provides extensive customization options.

Key Features:

• Multi-language support

• Detailed analytics

• Customization options

Pricing: Starts at $49/month for basic plan; pro plans start at $149/month.

8. QuestionPro

QuestionPro screenshot

QuestionPro is a versatile survey tool designed to help you make better business decisions. It offers a suite of survey solutions including a research suite, customer experience platform, workforce platform, and academic platform.

Key Features:

• Extensive survey customization

• Multi-channel distribution

• Advanced reporting and analytics

Pricing: Free plan available; advanced plan starts at $99/month.

III. Embedded/On-Site Survey Tools

9. Hotjar

Hotjar screenshot

Hotjar is an all-in-one analytics and feedback tool that helps you understand your users through heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys. It allows you to embed surveys directly on your website or app to gather in-the-moment feedback.

Key Features:

• Heatmaps and session recordings

• In-the-moment contextual user feedback micro-surveys

• User-friendly survey creation

Pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at $39/month.

10. Sprig

Sprig screenshot

Sprig offers in-product surveys and targeted feedback tools designed to capture user insights directly within your website or app. It excels in gathering micro-surveys and real-time feedback without disrupting the user experience.

Key Features:

• In-product micro-surveys

• Real-time feedback

• User-friendly interface

Pricing: Free trial available; paid plans start at $75/month.

How to Choose the Right UX Survey Tool

Choosing the right UX survey tool can make a world of difference in your research process. Here’s how to find the perfect match:

1. Identify Your Priorities: Are you looking for robust analysis, easy survey creation, or seamless integration? For example, Maze offers a comprehensive suite that supports multiple research methods, making it ideal for teams needing versatility.

2. Ease of Use: Ensure the tool has an intuitive interface. Tools like Typeform are known for their user-friendly design, which can streamline the survey-building process.

3. Integration Options: Check if the tool integrates well with your existing systems. Hotjar, for instance, integrates analytics and feedback collection seamlessly, providing a holistic view of user interactions.

4. Support Options: Look for tools with robust customer support and resources. Qualtrics offers extensive resources and support to help you navigate its complex features.

5. Scalability: Choose a tool that can grow with your research needs, offering additional methods and features. UXtweak’s extensive testing features make it a scalable option for expanding research requirements.

By selecting the right UX survey tool, you can streamline your research process, gather valuable insights, and improve your product’s user experience. Happy surveying!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best UX survey tool for beginners?

Google Forms and Typeform are excellent for beginners due to their simplicity and ease of use.

2. Which tool offers the best analytics?

Qualtrics and Alchemer are known for their robust analytics capabilities, providing deep insights into survey data.

3. Are there any free UX survey tools?

Yes, tools like Google Forms, Jotform, and Maze offer free plans with essential features.

4. Can I integrate these tools with other software?

Absolutely. Tools like Maze and Hotjar offer extensive integrations with other platforms like Slack, Figma, and InVision. Additionally, you can use tools like Zapier to connect form data to integrate into your existing workflows and processes.

5. What’s the best tool for in-product surveys?

Sprig is excellent for in-product surveys, providing real-time feedback without disrupting the user experience.

10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

What is a Customer Feedback Management Tool?

A customer feedback management tool is a digital platform designed to help businesses collect, organize, prioritize and analyze feedback from customers. These tools are essential for gaining insights into opinions, sentiments, and suggestions, allowing organizations to enhance product development, improve customer service, and build customer loyalty.

Feedback management tools come equipped with various features, including feedback forms/surveys, feature roadmap voting and multi-channel feedback aggregation and management. They cater to multiple needs, from market and product research, customer experience optimization to feature prioritization. Whether you're a startup gathering user opinions on a new product or a large enterprise tracking customer satisfaction across different regions, feedback management tools provide the critical insights needed for informed decision-making and improved products and services


Best for AI-driven feedback for product insights

Price: From $99/creator/month

Website: screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. AI-driven feedback analysis
  2. Customizable impact-first roadmaps
  3. Centralized feedback collection from multiple channels
  4. Integration with workflow tools like Slack, Jira, and Zendesk
  5. Advanced reporting and product insights based on various criteria


  • AI-driven insights
  • Customizable roadmaps
  • Versatile feedback gathering dashboard


  • User interface could be improved
  • Slight learning curve for those unfamiliar with automation

Summary: leverages AI to provide deep product insights by centralizing feedback from multiple channels. Its advanced analytics and customizable roadmaps make it a robust choice for product teams looking to prioritize improvements effectively.

2. Canny

Best for tracking customer feedback and feature requests

Price: From $79/month


Canny screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Public feedback boards
  2. Voting system for feature requests
  3. Roadmap publishing
  4. Integration with tools like Intercom and Slack
  5. Categorization and tagging of feedback


  • Voting system encourages user engagement
  • Roadmap publishing increases transparency
  • Easy to set up


  • Limited advanced reporting capabilities
  • User interface could be more intuitive

Summary: Canny excels in capturing and tracking feature requests, making it ideal for businesses that value customer input in their product development process. Its voting system and public roadmaps enhance transparency and customer engagement.

3. UseResponse

Best for omni-channel customer support teams

Price: Available upon request


UseResponse screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Multi-channel support (social media, email, live chat)
  2. AI-powered chatbots
  3. Comprehensive ticket management system
  4. Real-time communication and collaboration tools
  5. Customizable brand and multilingual support


  • Responsive customer support team
  • Features AI-powered chatbots
  • Simple and intuitive user interface


  • UI might be challenging for non-tech-savvy users
  • Might be overly complex for small businesses

Summary:UseResponse offers a comprehensive solution for omni-channel customer support, integrating various communication channels into a single platform. Its AI-powered chatbots and real-time collaboration features enhance efficiency in managing customer interactions.

4. SurveyMonkey

Best for creating customizable, detailed surveys

Price: From $25/user/month (billed annually)


SurveyMonkey screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Extensive survey customization options
  2. Advanced logic features (skip logic, branching)
  3. Robust data analysis and reporting
  4. Wide array of question types
  5. Integration with tools like MailChimp and Salesforce


  • Intuitive user interface
  • Robust data analysis capabilities
  • Extensive customization options


  • Limited customer support for lower-tier plans
  • Steep learning curve

Summary:SurveyMonkey is a versatile survey tool known for its extensive customization options and robust data analysis capabilities. It's well-suited for businesses seeking detailed, targeted insights from their customer surveys.

5. Nicereply

Best for measuring customer satisfaction scores

Price: From $39/month for up to 100 responses


Nicereply screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Customizable satisfaction surveys (NPS, CSAT, CES)
  2. Omni-channel feedback collection
  3. Automated follow-ups and reminders
  4. Real-time feedback dashboard
  5. Integration with Zendesk, Help Scout, and more


  • Customers can review and rate interactions
  • Highly customizable surveys
  • Specializes in measuring customer satisfaction


  • Fewer integrations compared to competitors
  • Limited feature set for users not focusing on satisfaction metrics

Summary:Nicereply specializes in measuring customer satisfaction through customizable surveys and real-time feedback collection. Its focus on key metrics like NPS and CSAT makes it an excellent choice for businesses aiming to understand and improve customer satisfaction.

6. UserVoice

Best for comprehensive product feedback management

Price: From $500/month (min 5 seats)


Uservoice screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Smart vote capturing
  2. Customer segmentation and feedback prioritization
  3. In-depth reporting capabilities
  4. Customer-facing product-request tracking system
  5. Integration with Jira, Salesforce, Slack, and more


  • Includes a customer-facing product-request tracking system
  • In-depth reporting provides valuable insights
  • Smart vote capturing allows for efficient feedback collection


  • Lack of customization options compared to some competitors
  • Steep learning curve for first-time users
  • High starting price may deter smaller businesses

Summary:UserVoice is a powerful tool for managing product feedback, offering features like smart vote capturing and comprehensive reporting. It's best suited for larger businesses that need detailed insights and robust feedback management capabilities.

7. Feedbackify

Best for gathering website-specific customer feedback

Price: From $19/month for unlimited users and feedback


Feedbackify screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Customizable feedback forms
  2. Feedback widgets for websites
  3. Intuitive dashboard for feedback management
  4. Multilingual support
  5. Real-time feedback monitoring


  • Allows unlimited users and feedback
  • Offers customizable feedback forms
  • Specializes in website-specific feedback


  • Lacks advanced analysis features found in other tools
  • Not ideal for non-website related feedback
  • Lacks significant integrations with other tools

Summary:Feedbackify focuses on collecting website-specific feedback through customizable forms and widgets. It's an affordable solution for businesses looking to gather actionable insights directly from their website users.

8. GetFeedback

Best for Salesforce users seeking integrated feedback

Price: Available upon request


GetFeedback screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Real-time feedback collection and analysis
  2. Deep integration with Salesforce
  3. Drag-and-drop survey builder
  4. Mobile-optimized surveys
  5. Integration with Slack, Jira, and more


  • Allows users to share preview links for surveys
  • Real-time feedback collection and analysis
  • Provides deep integration with Salesforce


  • The user interface might seem complex to some users
  • User permissions function is limited
  • Its usefulness may be limited for non-Salesforce users

Summary:GetFeedback offers seamless integration with Salesforce, making it an ideal tool for businesses that rely on this CRM platform. Its real-time feedback collection and analysis capabilities help businesses act quickly on customer insights.

9. Typeform

Best for creating engaging, interactive forms

Price: Free plan available, paid plans start at $29/month


Typeorm screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Beautiful, customizable survey designs
  2. Advanced logic features (branching logic, conditional questions)
  3. Real-time collaboration and response tracking
  4. Wide range of question types
  5. Integration with tools like MailChimp and Google Sheets

10. Trustpilot Business

Best for collecting and leveraging customer reviews

Price: From $225/user/month


Trustpilot Business screenshot - 10 Best Customer Feedback Management Tools for 2024

Key Features:

  1. Easy-to-use review widget
  2. Automated review invitations and reminders
  3. Advanced fraud detection algorithms
  4. Detailed reporting and analytics
  5. Integration with eCommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce


  • Easy-to-use review widget for websites
  • Wide range of integrations with eCommerce platforms
  • Strong focus on customer reviews


  • Reporting could be more in-depth
  • Limited customization options in lower-tier plans
  • Only annual billing available

Summary:Trustpilot Business excels in collecting and displaying customer reviews, making it a powerful tool for building trust and improving services. Its integration with various eCommerce platforms and advanced fraud detection features make it a robust choice for businesses focused on leveraging customer reviews.


Choosing the right feedback management tool depends on your business needs, usability preferences, and budget. From cost-effective solutions like Typeform to advanced platforms like and UserVoice, there is a wide array of options available to suit different use cases.

Effective feedback management tools help you systematically collect and analyze customer feedback, enabling you to make informed product decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately build better software.